Our new design 2024
Our new design 2024~1 最新研發14
http://www.anji.com.tw/ 安吉生技股份有限公司 Anji Biotech Corp.
安吉生技股份有限公司 Anji Biotech Corp. 30352 新竹縣湖口鄉中華路120號 (D棟三樓-3)
Hydroponics Liquid Fertilizers for short-term leafy vegetables (Plant factories)Product spec:Green Total N. 3.2%(Nitrate N. 3.2%), K2O 11%, Fe 0.15%, Mn 0.075%, Mo 0.001%, Co 0.0008%, B 0.03%, Cu 0.075%, Zn 0.075%YellowTotal N. 3.4%(Nitrate N. 3.0%, Ammo N. 0.4%), P2O5 10.5%, K2O 6%, MgO 6%Effective Calcium (Light Yellow)Total N. 4.8%(Nitrate N. 4.8%), CaO 8.8%, B 0.03%Product Appeals:1. Lowering ineffective Calcium2. Improving Lettuces' sweetness in summer3. Facilitating healthy growth under heat disorder conditions   http://www.anji.com.tw/hot_476565.html Our new design 2024~3 最新研發3 2023-11-16 2024-11-16
安吉生技股份有限公司 Anji Biotech Corp. 30352 新竹縣湖口鄉中華路120號 (D棟三樓-3) http://www.anji.com.tw/hot_476565.html
安吉生技股份有限公司 Anji Biotech Corp. 30352 新竹縣湖口鄉中華路120號 (D棟三樓-3) http://www.anji.com.tw/hot_476565.html
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Hydroponics Liquid Fertilizers for short-term leafy vegetables (Home users) - 



Product spec:

G1 VitaGrow (Yellow)
Total N. 3%(Nitrate N. 2.75%, Ammo N. 0.25%), P2O5 1%, K2O 6%, MgO 1.4%

M2 MicroElement (Green)
Total N. 5%(Nitrate N. 4.7%, Ammo N. 0.3%), K2O 1%, CaO 7%, Fe 0.1%, Mn 0.05%, Mo 0.001%, Co 0.0005%, B 0.02%, Cu 0.05%, Zn 0.05%

B3 BloomMax (Orange)
P2O5 5%, K2O 4%, MgO 2.7% 

Product Appeals:
1. Repeatable growths
2. Easy to use throughout the whole planting process